Our Work: Carbon Collect

Our Work: Carbon Collect

Our Work: Carbon Collect

June 10, 2024

Our Work: Carbon Collect

logoCarboncollect (1)

Carbon Collect's MechanicalTree™ technology is up to a thousand times more efficient at removing CO2 from the air than a natural tree. The captured carbon from the Mechanical Tree™ can be sequestered or sold for re-use in a variety of applications including Food and Beverage, Industry, Agriculture and Energy.

The MechanicalTree ™ represents the culmination of nearly 30 years of research to develop the most effective and scalable solution to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

Heneghan was delighted to work with Carbon Collect to plan and execute this landmark announcement in a manner which best served the goals of the client. As a high growth company aiming to establish partnerships in international markets, Carbon Collect aimed to achieve a strong level of international media coverage, with a particular focus on the United States, where the first MechanicalTree™ was launched.

Heneghan worked alongside Carbon Collect and its partners at Arizona State University to communicate the announcement in a manner which achieved the goals of both parties.

Carbon Collect MechanicalTree April 18 2022 2

As part of the media relations outreach, Heneghan engaged with a number of leading international media outlets and journalists, with a focus on the environment and energy sectors, to achieve strong media coverage and introduce key media to Carbon Collect and its operations.

The team at Heneghan was extremely proud to support on such a ground-breaking project which is taking bold steps to tackle an issue of global importance such as climate change.

said Pól Ó Móráin, CEO of Carbon Collect

Selection of international media coverage

Fox News

ABC Arizona

Yahoo Finance

Phoenix New Times

Chemical Engineer

az central

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