Celebrating 30 Years in Business - Heneghan

Celebrating 30 Years in Business - Heneghan

Celebrating 30 Years in Business - Heneghan

June 10, 2024

Celebrating 30 Years in Business - Heneghan

On the 1st October 1990, the office of Pat Heneghan Public Relations first opened its doors in Pembroke Road and the agency commenced trading.

Thirty years later, Heneghan remains in the same Dublin 4 location where Managing Director, Nigel Heneghan and his team continue to provide a full-service strategic communication consultancy.

Over the years, the Heneghan team has had the privilege to work with some great Irish and international organisations and have been party to some of the biggest news moments.

While there have been enormous and continued changes over this time in way we communicate; the essence of business, communications strategy and reputation management remains the same as it did from the first day in October 1990.


The privilege of working with those who have put their trust in us – from international corporations to start-ups - over a long period, makes every day a day to look forward to.

I sincerely thank our clients; my many colleagues – past and present; our suppliers; our advisors; and the media. It has been a great journey to this point and we are excited – in spite of the prevailing circumstances – in what the future holds.”

Nigel Heneghan, Managing Director of Heneghan.

Heneghan 30 years in business


The Heneghan team hope you can be part of the continued journey as we look positively to the future.


Thank You


To contact a member of the team: https://heneghan.ie/contact-us/

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